
2021年5月31日—ISMAILIA,May30(Xinhua)--Egypt'sSuezCanalAuthority(SCA)announcedonSundaythecaptainofEverGivenwasfullyresponsibleforthe ...,EverGivenisregisteredinPanamaandhertechnicalmanagementistheresponsibilityoftheGermanshipmanagementcompanyBernhardSchulteShipmanagement.,2023年7月13日—First,theVTMS(VesselTrafficManagementSystem),SCApilots,andtheship'scaptainfailedtoadequatelyassesstheriskofbad...

Captain fully responsible for grounding of Ever Given in ...

2021年5月31日 — ISMAILIA, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Egypt's Suez Canal Authority (SCA) announced on Sunday the captain of Ever Given was fully responsible for the ...

Ever Given

Ever Given is registered in Panama and her technical management is the responsibility of the German ship management company Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement.

Ever Given Report Highlights Suez Canal Pilots' Role in ...

2023年7月13日 — First, the VTMS (Vessel Traffic Management System), SCA pilots, and the ship's captain failed to adequately assess the risk of bad weather ...

Ever Given

2023年7月18日 — The investigators concluded that, according to Suez Canal regulations, the Captain has command of the ship at all times, and the pilot or pilots ...

I was blamed for blocking the Suez Canal

2021年4月3日 — Rumours about Ms Elselehdar's role on the Ever Given were largely spurred by screenshots of a fake news headline - supposedly published by Arab ...

Marwa Elselehdar, Egypt's first female ship captain, falsely ...

2021年4月5日 — Elselehdar, 29, was the first woman to enroll in the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport and was only able to do so ...

Six Days in Suez

2021年6月23日 — Captain Kanthavel and his crew were still on board the Ever Given, waiting for permission from Egyptian authorities to leave. The ship was ...

Suez Canal

2021年7月21日 — Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the wheel of the 1,312ft vessel when it got stuck fast in the Egyptian shipping lane for six days, before it ...

Who is the captain of the ship stuck in the Suez Canal?

2022年3月30日 — Captain Krishnan Kanthavel was at the helm of the 1312ft vessel when it became stuck for six days in the Egyptian shipping lane before being ...